mardi 21 mai 2013

Find an alternative way

What is the fascination, if I have money critically short supply, and work do not shine! - You might say. In this case,
Turn your hobby into a job

Any vacation - this time for you. Decide what you want in your life.

 It may be worth to learn a new profession that you prefer. Never too late to change activity.
 Engage in professional development: learn foreign language, learn allied profession, pass rates.
 You can find an alternative way to earn money. This may be a network business, and the business on the internet that will provide financial results while you are on vacation, and later may be the main income.

Where do we get all the time?
Learn how to plan

Plan on staying for a start. Even a half-hour walk to the store without a child is useful - come an important idea. A night's sleep is essential.

Get familiar with the daily routine. Children will love to do consistently, and this has a positive impact on their development. Here are a few tips:

 Schedule cleaning and laundry on certain days of the week. Do not strive to do everything at once. Make today the household chores and relax, then tomorrow you can with a clear conscience and a clear head to devote more time to their craft.
 Plans to do during the day. Wash the dishes three times a day instead of every half hour. Do not worry if something knocks you out of the schedule. It is better to make a list of things you can do in a randomly appearing window.
 Set your priorities. Please introduce yourself in order, then start cooking breakfast. Choose what is more important at this time: a favorite TV show or an English lesson.
 Cook dinner, when the child is playing. Offer him pots and spoons, kids love it, and when he wants to sleep, relax with it or go about their business.
 Encourage your child to go to bed early, then the evening will be at your disposal. To do this, lift the baby early and good tire for the day walks and games. And if pipsqueak loves to sleep, productively use the morning time.

 Involve grandparents and other family members to engage with the baby. When you have an alternative occupation, especially income-they will be much less resistance. And perhaps cause you to help yourself, seeing the benefits of your business.
 If your hands are busy, use your head. On the walk, while cooking dinner, cleaning, you can plan or think about the idea. And if you are tired, do things that do not require much physical effort and mental strain. For example, water the flowers, make blanks for breakfast and lunch, gather the clothes in the laundry, go to the store in the evening, not the morning. So tomorrow you will have more free time.

Maybe you have your secrets, how to take the child and free up time for yourself? Write in the comments. And remember, your difficulties only in your head. Change the thought - and the reality of change.

Just give it time ...

One roof

Ask and good prospects of climate change, landscape ecology of selected sites with a horizon of 20-50 years. And that, in fact, possible for such a period? Flooding (due to warming and rising sea levels (after 20-30 years of the first coastal line in some places can just disappear), soil erosion (probably you will not be fun when your expensive house will be at the bottom of the ravine), waterlogging , salinization, desertification (once beautiful fabulous places sometimes turned into a desert, and it happened in a very short period of time), it is also possible the construction of large industrial facilities in these places (and why not?).

1. Flora and fauna - the presence of dangerous plants and animals (which have to be aware of you and your children are curious.)

2. It is also important to show interest in national traditions, which may be unexpected and unacceptable to you personally.

3. Developed and how expensive medical care.

4. It would be useful to ask about the level of crime in the most dangerous criminal in terms of the surrounding districts, the standard of living of the local population, the size of utility bills and taxes, how developed services and infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, sports centers, etc.).

5. How your property will be serviced in the low season (some towns in this period are simply dying).

If you are found out, weighed, counted and still decided to make the purchase, good luck and more joy in this beautiful life!

Wedding march chords died away, otshumela gay marriage, began routine for a young family. Often, at the beginning of family life in the young can not buy their homes or rent an apartment. In this case, they have to start a life together with the parents of bride and groom.

For one member of the young family almost nothing has changed, and for another process begins long adaptation to living with someone else's parents. As practice shows, is not always possible to get on to two families under one roof. Let us try to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of such a life.

1. If parents have lived many years together in love and harmony, they are for young good example of how to build a family life on mutual understanding and mutual respect.

2. While living with their parents, the couple save money by not paying the rent. They do not need to buy furniture, appliances. Parents often pay for themselves and utilities. Thus, the young are able to start saving money, for example, to buy their own homes or on vacation.

3. Living under one roof helps to ensure that both families help each other in solving various domestic problems: in the household, in the care of children.

4. Heart to heart conversation between the older and younger generations, good advice and support to help strengthen the relationship between the families.

5. Some parents, many years taking care of her child, is taken under the watchful care of his and his mate. At the beginning of family life such care might like, but eventually the guys will want more freedom and independence.

lundi 6 mai 2013


Une fois que le stockage - des moyens possède un réservoir d'eau avec un volume de 10 à 200 litres. Le principe de fonctionnement du dispositif de stockage électrique - d'amener progressivement la température de l'eau dans le réservoir à 75 ° C et le maintenir à ce niveau. La durée du chauffage dépend de la puissance de l'appareil et sa capacité du réservoir. Par exemple, un réservoir de 15 litres avec de l'eau chauffée à environ une demi-heure, et de 200 litres - 5-6 heures.

L'utilisation du modèle de stockage est optimale dans le cas où vous voulez beaucoup d'eau chaude et reste dans l'appartement ou dans le pays ne peut pas établir une forte chauffe-eau. Le fait que le stockage requis pour le travail de 1,2 à 2,5 kW de puissance.

Un autre avantage est le fait que l'eau chaude est nécessaire peut être tenu en plusieurs points à la fois, il est possible d'utiliser simultanément la douche et laver la vaisselle dans la cuisine. Inconvénient - la taille impressionnante du chauffe-eau. Par conséquent, pour les appartements souvent acheter l'appareil jusqu'à 50 litres.

chauffe-eau de stockage de gaz n'est pas aussi populaire que électrique, mais certainement plus profitable, parce que le gaz beaucoup moins cher que l'électricité. Ils sont fabriqués dans le sol (jusqu'à 100 litres) et les versions murales (50-100 litres). L'avantage est l'absence de composants électroniques et hydrauliques sophistiquées. Par conséquent, les chauffe-eau de stockage de gaz durent longtemps sans aucune prévention.

Le principal inconvénient - la nécessité de ventiler la pièce où le chauffage est installé, ou pour faire une cheminée pour le système d'échappement. Par conséquent, les chauffe-eau de stockage de gaz sont couramment utilisés dans les chalets et maisons de campagne.

Quel type de chauffe-eau choisir pour un appartement? Nous estimons le plus populaire - liste des principaux fabricants et les prix indicatifs.

Chauffe-eau électriques:

 AEG, puissance de 2,0 kW, 30 litres, le prix de 6900 roubles.;
 Electrolux, puissance de 1,6 kW, 30 litres, le prix de 6200 roubles.;
 Ariston, puissance de 1,6 kW, 30 litres, le prix de 4600 roubles.

Gaz chauffe-eau à accumulation:

 TATRAMAT, 80 litres, le temps de chauffage de 45 ° C/45 min, le prix de 17.000 roubles..;
 Ariston, un volume de 50 litres, le temps de chauffage de 45 ° C/45 min, le prix de 12.800 roubles..;
 BAXI, un volume de 50 litres, le temps de chauffage de 40 ° C/45 min., Le prix de 12.600 roubles.

Chauffe-eau électriques instantanés:

 Bosch, puissance de 4,0 kW, capacité l / min. 2.5, le prix de roubles 7800.;
 Electrolux, puissance de 8,0 kW, capacité l / min. 4.0, le prix de 69.800 roubles.;
 Thermex, d'une puissance de 2,5 kW, capacité l / min. 3.0, le prix de 2800 roubles.

Gaz chauffe-eau instantanés:

 AEG, puissance 20 kW, capacité l / min. 5, le prix de 5500 roubles.;
 Vaillant, puissance 10 kW, capacité l / min. 5, le prix de 6700 roubles.;
 Beretta, puissance 180 kW, capacité l / min. 11, le prix de 7000 roubles.

Ainsi, si votre maison a un réseau triphasé, vous pouvez mettre tous les chauffe-eau: économies puissant flux ou.

Et si le réseau électrique est faible, mais il est un gaz, il est logique de choisir un appareil à gaz.

Signes fidélité. Comment ne pas être confondu avec le don?

Croire ou ne pas croire aux présages? Cette question, peut-être, est donnée aussi souvent que pourquoi? Et quoi faire. Comme tous les signes ont été inventés par les gens, et les gens décident de compter sur eux ou non, prendre leur coïncidence ou mauvais sort.

vendredi 3 mai 2013

Brothers and sisters

As already stated, these big problems grow out of our little stupid things that we assume nearly all the mass in the beginning of a relationship with his own mother in law. Like the future in-laws - it turns girls into a sport where only the result is important, no matter what the cost.

First date in-law - an important topic forums and articles of female Internet. But what advice is given to girls, to date went well? Smile. To remain silent. Eat whatever you put on the plate. Compliment the food. In no case did not engage in debate. Oh, and hit all the advice: get dressed so as not to irritate the eyes, more modestly than in anImEITmx2 everyday life.

For what? Maybe a future daughter-in is exactly what is going to further develop relations with her mother in law: do not mind, is there anything that she cooks, regardless of taste, choose clothes to meet these demands and keep quiet life, without coming into conflict? If so, such a tactic is justified.

But to come to the first meeting, posing as a prude for that then, having mastered the soul and vterevshis elderly (perhaps lonely and unhappy), a woman start to behave very differently than when we first met - there is something dishonest.

Girls! Let us briefly stop and think: is there no other way to build a relationship with the future in-law, other than those clumsy attempts to please? Let us remember all those who love us. Is the reason they love it is that we tried hard to please, hiding among its qualities and exaggerating the presence of others? Perhaps, on the contrary, the secret is in our sincerity and naturalness?

And if we come to meet his future in-law in their normal clothes in their natural mood - whether that is in fact, not that which is prescribed in this situation? And we will not hide his excitement, because it is due to our interest in the new situation, a meeting with a new, perhaps, a very important person in the future? Can turn out worse than sit quietly and timidly waiting evaluations, hoping to gain revenge in family life?

Speaking of assessments. For all the excitement and bustle would be good to see and understand what is the mother of her future husband. What kind of person she is, what is breathing? Are there many hiding? Often Does not telling the truth? Smokes? Drinks? What is reading? What looks? As relates to your future husband? What is it for her son: a good fellow, or Ivan the Fool? If your future husband has brothers and sisters, what is their role in the family?

What is it mistress? How candid and frank person? So much important to find out about their future relatives before deciding whether they will even relatives! Prior estimates there here? All this is important to know not to put a bad mark or five of his future in-laws, the case is much more serious. After all, the future BnVUrL wife will understand what is the atmosphere of the house in which I grew her future husband, as far as compatible with their values? Can you separate them?

If, during the first meeting, it became clear that unfortunately, we found too many contradictions, which in the course of family life will only increase, then you are very lucky. Imagine what it would be if you came to this meeting with off from the horror of the brain, which would be flashed only one thought like me / not like me. The process of awareness could drag on for many years, and it would have been included your future children.

In the case of apparent alienation and dissent, it was found out after meeting his future mother in law (especially if future husband, too, was unhappy with the last meeting and blames the future wife), it is worth considering: perhaps it is better to turn back, without the cost of a wedding , division of property and child and regret for wasted years.