dimanche 9 juin 2013

the conflict

And as mentioned above, there are useful postulates, is harmless, but without which it is possible to do in the process of education. But some of the moral attitudes that we are trying to instill in their children turn out to be potentially dangerous, not only for health but also for life and baby and adult.

- If you're offended, be sure to give back!

Do not speak so most parents to their children? By the way, in 1937 the poet wrote this:

With each failure
Be able to give the date,
Otherwise, you will not see good luck

And if you turn your head? Suppose the circumstances are not in your favor. Instead of thinking, and I'm in this particular case, did not it easier to find the culprits for personal problems and failures on the side. And fight back. Logical? Then do not be surprised that you got nasty in the store or on public transport. Perhaps these people also brought up to the immortal line, Lebedev-red bunting.

Make decisions and do things for them to bear personal responsibility - qualities that should bring the child's parents in the first place. Kindergarten and the school will not help. The purpose of these educational institutions, on the contrary, mitigate identity, prepare a person for the role of silent cog in a large state machine. But that's another story. We are now talking about the notorious surrender in the sense of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as written in the book of wise one.

You know what I inspire to his son when the topic pops up?

- Do not wait until you get hit. If you feel that there was a threat, strike first. Always.

I am writing these lines and hear the indignant chorus correct mothers, grandmothers, compassionate, respected teachers with long, long years of experience. Like, how it is, you educate a child aggression. He will grow up real bully and a bully.

Do not rush! Let us remember how to develop any conflict?

First, there is a reason: do not share a toy, call each other, vying for the young ladies, and so on. Then follows a rise of tension is escalating the conflict. Typically, this is the verbal stage: insulting each, a description of who is who and what does now. Only in the third stage begins active operations - the use of physical force. Simply put, a fight.

Adults there might not be, separate bullies will be no one, and in the life of every boy (and girl, probably, too) at least one is bound to be a fight. And if it happened, the chances to win the battle above the one who mentally prepared to win, and therefore strike first.

Perhaps the fight back in the school yard and your child will turn out, but that in real life?

One option, if your son got into a fight with a classmate. Yes, you can come to my parents offender criticize them for poor parenting or child to understand why there was a fight and eliminate the causes of the emergence of new conflicts.